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Standing Up For What I Knew Was Right

One day when I was driving on the freeway, I was completely blindsided by another car pummeling down the hill. I didn't know what to do or what went wrong, but I knew things were bad. I couldn't feel my feet at first, and my face was covered in liquid that turned out to be blood. When the ambulance arrived I could see the concern on their faces, and it was frustrating to know what was about to come. Fortunately, I was able to get great medical care, and talk with a personal injury attorney that helped me to sort out everything else. Read this website to find out how accident attorneys can help you to make a difference in your own life.



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Standing Up For What I Knew Was Right

Tips For Helping You Remember Details Of Your Recent Car Accident

by Dylan Tucker

If you were recently involved in a serious car accident, the details surrounding the incident may be a little hazy, especially if you sustained a head injury. If you are trying to remember exactly what happened so you can discuss your case with an attorney, use the following tips to help you remember the details of your recent car accident.

Get a Copy of the Police Report

If you are having trouble remembering everything that happened, including anything you said at the time of the accident, get a copy of the police report. The official information on this report could help jog your memory.

For example, the report will not only include your and the other party's statements, as well as what witnesses saw, but it will also include technical details about the accident. Details such as how far your car was pushed or rolled could help you remember what happened before you were hurt.

Revisit the Site of the Accident

After reading through the police report, and once you are able to get out and about, revisit the site of the accident. Sometimes physically seeing the crash site can help jolt a memory, which could lead to the surfacing of other memories.

While you are at the accident site, look around at every landmark to see if you recognize anything, and close your eyes so you can smell the air. Engaging as many senses as possible can help you associate the scene with the past memories surrounding the accident.

Have a Brainstorming Session

Once you have read the report and revisited the scene, go home with the intention of immediately having a brainstorming session. During this session, you will sit down with a pen and piece of paper and start writing everything that comes to mind.

As you write, do not think too hard about what you are putting down on the paper. Just try to focus on the accident, and keep writing for about five to ten minutes. Once you have finished, start reading through what you wrote to see if any details you may have forgotten about the incident popped up.

Using the above tips can help you remember details from your recent car accident that may be pertinent to your case. You should also discuss any concerns or questions you have with a car accident attorney, who can help you sort out any information you remember and put it together in a way that can help you with your settlement.
