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Standing Up For What I Knew Was Right

One day when I was driving on the freeway, I was completely blindsided by another car pummeling down the hill. I didn't know what to do or what went wrong, but I knew things were bad. I couldn't feel my feet at first, and my face was covered in liquid that turned out to be blood. When the ambulance arrived I could see the concern on their faces, and it was frustrating to know what was about to come. Fortunately, I was able to get great medical care, and talk with a personal injury attorney that helped me to sort out everything else. Read this website to find out how accident attorneys can help you to make a difference in your own life.



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Standing Up For What I Knew Was Right

Are You Worried Your Parent's Business Won't Get Passed Down To You? Meet With A Lawyer And Your Parent Now

by Dylan Tucker

Running a family business can be difficult, but if you are intending to take over the business for your parent and you don't have it in writing, you want to meet with a business transaction law services provider. You need to make sure that the transition from your parent being the owner to you being the owner happens and is in a formal document. There are a lot of things that could go wrong if something happened to your parent or the business and this information wasn't documented. Here are some things to consider.

Have a Joint Meeting with a Lawyer

Sit down with a lawyer so that the lawyer can talk with both of you about the agreement. Your parent needs to see that if you don't get something in writing then the business could get lost if they passed or had another type of emergency. In the joint meeting, you can discuss when would be the correct time for the contract to take effect and how your parent wants to outline all the details.

Discuss Revenue and Other Financial Distributions

Your parent may want you to keep up with financial obligations if you take over the company. This could mean giving money monthly or annually to your other parent, siblings, or other family members or contributions. This is often one of the hardest things to figure out, but if you do it right away with a lawyer, there will be fewer problems down the road.

Outline Current Expectations

If you are in line to take the business, your parent may have expectations for you now, and they may want you to complete these before they let you take over the business. Make sure that these are also documented in the contract so when you are ready to make the business transaction from one owner to the next that you know all of the expectations have been completed and obliged.

There are a lot of things that can go wrong with a family business when it is supposed to be handed down from one parent to a child. If you have other siblings, this could make the situation even more complicated. If you are worried that something could go wrong or that there will be a hold up when it comes time to make the ownership transfer, you want to work with a lawyer now so you can go over all of the different details.
