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Standing Up For What I Knew Was Right

One day when I was driving on the freeway, I was completely blindsided by another car pummeling down the hill. I didn't know what to do or what went wrong, but I knew things were bad. I couldn't feel my feet at first, and my face was covered in liquid that turned out to be blood. When the ambulance arrived I could see the concern on their faces, and it was frustrating to know what was about to come. Fortunately, I was able to get great medical care, and talk with a personal injury attorney that helped me to sort out everything else. Read this website to find out how accident attorneys can help you to make a difference in your own life.



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Standing Up For What I Knew Was Right

3 Things To Know About Distracted Driving

by Dylan Tucker

Distracted driving is a serious issue. It only takes three seconds of being distracted for an accident to happen. As a driver, you need to know what you can to do prevent distracted driving and what to do if you are in an accident because of distracted driving.

You Need Your Entire Focus When Driving

When driving, your entire focus should be on the road. Although it is easy to get comfortable driving certain routes every day, driving is unpredictable in many ways. You can't predict when an animal will run out in front of your vehicle, or when another driver will suddenly slow down or when the weather will change.

Driving is something that should have your entire focus. Changing the radio station, turning around to talk to your children, or looking at your phone can all take your attention away from the road, which can be dangerous.

When driving, you should always be actively paying attention to the vehicles around you and the conditions of the road.

Work to Minimize Distractions On the Road

You can help protect yourself by making sure that you are not one of the distracted drivers on the road. There are a few things that you can do to minimize distractions when you are on the road.

One of the best things you can do is to make sure that you are ready to go before you get on the road. Adjust the sound system and put on the music that you want to listen to. Set up the heating system and adjust the vents.

If you don't know where you are going, enter the address into your navigation system and read the directions so you know what you need to do before you get on the road. Make sure that voice instructions are turned on so that you don't have to look at the navigation system on the road.

Take your phone and put it away where you will not be tempted to use it, such as in the glove compartment, inside of your purse, or even in the trunk of your car.

Even if you take all the right steps to keep your focus on the road, you cannot control the actions of other drivers. If you are in an accident, and you believe that the distraction of the other driver caused the accident, you are going to want to contact a personal injury attorney right away who can help you collect evidence and proceed with a personal injury case.
