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Standing Up For What I Knew Was Right

One day when I was driving on the freeway, I was completely blindsided by another car pummeling down the hill. I didn't know what to do or what went wrong, but I knew things were bad. I couldn't feel my feet at first, and my face was covered in liquid that turned out to be blood. When the ambulance arrived I could see the concern on their faces, and it was frustrating to know what was about to come. Fortunately, I was able to get great medical care, and talk with a personal injury attorney that helped me to sort out everything else. Read this website to find out how accident attorneys can help you to make a difference in your own life.



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Standing Up For What I Knew Was Right

Why The Value Of Your Personal Injury Case Matters So Much

by Dylan Tucker

If you have ended up in the hospital because of another driver's carelessness, you may be wondering about the financial and legal value of your case. Not knowing the facts about this issue could cause you to accept an offer that is far from enough to cover your expenses. To find out more about what influences the value of your case, read below.

Speak to a Lawyer

No one understands how much money you are owed more than a personal injury lawyer. Lawyers know what is commonly paid to victims and can advise you about what to expect. Give your lawyer what they need to evaluate your case. Arrive at your first appointment with a copy of the accident report and your medical bills. The most important indicator of how much money you are owed is your medical treatment. If you can provide your lawyer with a list of your medical treatments, so far, they can provide you with a more accurate estimate of the value of your case.

Get Legal Help Using a Contingency Plan

Almost all personal injury lawyers accept cases based on a contingency plan. You won't need to pay the lawyer anything to get started on your case. You only need to pay your lawyer if you win your case and are offered a settlement. Then, the lawyer's pay is a percentage of your settlement or court case judgment. This gives your personal injury lawyer an incentive to get you as much money for your accident case as possible.

Fault Matters

Be ready to deal with the issue of fault right away. The driver found to have caused the accident is responsible for paying all the accident damages. The fault is often established right away after the accident occurs. Law enforcement may determine fault by observing the accident scene, interviewing witnesses, and gathering evidence. When the fault is not agreed upon, your case may take longer to be resolved. Some cases involving driver fault end up in court.

Know the Impact

In addition to providing your personal injury attorney with important information about the accident, you may also be entitled to reimbursement for lost wages. Gather pay statements, income tax returns, and proof of your work hours and absences and give them to your lawyer. Also, understand that if your injury treatment is expected to go on for some time, you may be entitled to something called future medical expenses. The amount you are paid depends on how much more treatment you will need and requires medical proof of such upcoming care from your physicians. Get paid what you deserve by following the above guidelines. Speak to a personal injury lawyer to learn more.
