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Standing Up For What I Knew Was Right

One day when I was driving on the freeway, I was completely blindsided by another car pummeling down the hill. I didn't know what to do or what went wrong, but I knew things were bad. I couldn't feel my feet at first, and my face was covered in liquid that turned out to be blood. When the ambulance arrived I could see the concern on their faces, and it was frustrating to know what was about to come. Fortunately, I was able to get great medical care, and talk with a personal injury attorney that helped me to sort out everything else. Read this website to find out how accident attorneys can help you to make a difference in your own life.



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Standing Up For What I Knew Was Right

What to Do After a Semi-Truck Accident

by Dylan Tucker

When semi-trucks are involved in accidents, the injuries and damage can be catastrophic. Even minor accidents involving large trucks can cause you to suffer in several ways. If you have been hit by a semi-truck, it's important to take the following steps to protect your legal rights and ensure that you receive fair compensation.

Do These Things After a Semi-truck Accident

It can be devastating to encounter this situation, but you must take action if you are to be paid for your accident damages. Big truck companies have legal teams ready to fight against any claims, and they vigorously work to protect themselves against accident claims. That means you should even the playing field by speaking to a personal injury lawyer as soon as you can. 

Seek Medical Attention: The first step after any accident is to seek medical attention. This is especially important after being hit by a semi-truck, as the injuries can be severe. Even if you feel fine, it's important to get checked out by a medical professional to rule out any internal injuries that may not be immediately apparent.

Contact the Police: Call the police and report the accident. The police will create a report that can be used as evidence in your case. They will also collect information from the driver, including insurance information, and may issue citations or make an arrest if necessary.

Gather Evidence: If possible, take photos of the accident scene, including any damage to your vehicle and the semi-truck. Get contact information from any witnesses and take note of the weather and road conditions at the time of the accident.

Contact an Attorney: It's important to contact an experienced personal injury attorney who can help you navigate the legal process and protect your rights. They can advise you on what steps to take and help you gather the evidence you need to build a strong case.

Notify Your Insurance Company: Contact your insurance company and report the accident. They can advise you on your coverage and how to file a claim. However, it's important to note that the trucking company's insurance will likely be responsible for compensating you for your injuries and damages.

Don't Sign Anything: Don't sign any documents or accept any settlement offers from the trucking company or their insurance company without first consulting with an attorney. They can help ensure that any settlement offer is fair and adequate for your injuries and damages.

Being hit by a semi-truck can be a traumatic experience, but taking these steps can help protect your legal rights and ensure that you receive fair compensation for your injuries and damages. Speak to a semi-truck accident lawyer today.
